Sunday, May 24, 2015

My TBR is Under 15 :)

The Wonderful TBR Stack

This might come as a surprise but my TBR is down to 11 books! I am dead serious like I really am under 15 books. But it will probably go right back up if I am successful during BookCon. (I actually hope that I am because I want more books for the shelf.) So before my TBR gets out of hand, I wanted to put it in list form so you know what I'll be reading in the near future.

1) Life After The Arising by Bryan Way
I really want to get to this before this year is over
because I haven't read any zombie books yet and
it sounds interesting enough. I didn't hear anything
about it but it's signed, so that's a plus.
Goodreads - Amazon

2) More Beautiful Than You Know By Jennifer Strickland
My mom bought this for me a while back and I read a little bit
every now and then but since it is a bible devotion book,
I probably won't read it in one sitting.
Goodreads - Amazon

3) The Light (1st Book in the Morpheus Road series) by D.J. MacHale
I got this book when I was in the 5th grade and I remember being scared
to death after reading a few chapters. This definitely had me sleeping with the lights on. I don't know when I'll get to this one.
Goodreads - Amazon

4) The One That I Want by Jennifer Echols
I found this at my cousin's school when they were giving away free
books and I just grabbed anything. I later gave away the ones
that I couldn't see myself reading anytime soon, but this one seems
really good. I'll probably read it this summer because it seems like a cute,
simple read.
Goodreads - Amazon

5 & 6) Messenger and Son by Lois Lowry
I just got this because it has red pages. I did read The Giver and Gathering Blue but I didn't think it was anything special. To be honest, I probably won't read this.
The Giver = Amazon - Goodreads
Gathering Blue = Amazon - Goodreads
Messenger = Amazon - Goodreads
Son = Amazon - Goodreads
The Series Bind Up = Amazon

7) Confessions: The Private School Murders by James Patterson
It's kind of a funny story with this one. So I was at BJ's and they always have this book section, so parents said they would treat my sisters and I to a book of our choice. I picked out this one and started reading it, but I was really confused so I put it down. A month later after searching on the internet, I found out that this is a sequel. So now I am spoiled for the first book, but I still want to read it. I just don't know when I will get around to buying it because I already have a long list on what to buy next.
Goodreads - Amazon

8) My True Love Gave to Me edited by Stephanie Perkins (too many authors to list)
I really REALLY want to read this but I can't bring myself to because it isn't Christmas time anymore. I'll definitely get around to it this upcoming Christmas.
Goodreads - Amazon

9) All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
This book is really intimidating because it has 500+ pages and the font is extra tiny. It is also historical fiction and I don't read that genre very often.
I want to be done with this before 2016 comes. Hopefully I can achieve this goal.
Goodreads - Amazon

10) Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor
I have an excuse for this book because I am currently reading it. So far it is okay but I kind of liked the first one a little better. I am hoping that it will get good soon.
Goodreads - Amazon

11) Dreams of Gods And Monsters by Laini Taylor
This book is an actual MONSTER. I mean its huge and I obviously haven't read it because I didn't finish Days of Blood and Starlight. But isn't this cover gorge.
Goodreads - Amazon

QOTP: How many books are in you TBR?
See you in the next post.
~Naya J.

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