Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Young Adult Stereotypes Part 2!!

As you can see from the title, I am doing a second part for my Young Adult Stereotypes post. This is my most popular post on my blog so I wanted to do a second part since I do have more stereotypes to share. So let's hurry up and get into it.

1) Main Characters Do the NASTY In the Last Book In the Series
- This is so predictable because it happens in almost every book series. Throughout the series, the main characters have a TON of sexual tension between each other. This happens in countless last books like City of Heavenly Fire, Clockwork Princess, and I'm sure that it is going to happen in Ruin and Rising. I like those books, but it was incredibly predictable. But some books don't fall into this book trope like the Throne of Glass series and Daughter of Smoke and Bone series.
2) The Main Character Discovers That He/ She Has A Power That Can Save the World
- In almost every fantasy series, the main character discovers that they have a power that can save their people, land, or the whole world. I don't hate this one, but it is pretty annoying. Can you at least give me a weak main character that is defeated in the end? That actually leads me into my next point.
3) The Main Character ALWAYS Wins In the End
- I know this sounds mean but sometimes I want to see the character fail their mission/ quest and lose for once.
4) The Female Protagonist In the Story Has No Sexual Experience
- I don't know why authors want to make every female protagonist a virgin. Tell me why like please tell me why.
5) Guys Are Head Over Heels For the Main Character
- In almost every book the female protagonist has everyone trying to get with her. Like everyone!

Alright so that is it for this post and I hope you enjoyed it. I am also thinking of doing a SEX IN YA discussion in the future. Maybe this month or next month, I don't know. Anyways, see you in the next post.
                                                                                                                                      ~Naya J.

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