Saturday, June 27, 2015

Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer Review

General Info
Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer
Published June 2012 by Simon Pulse Simon Schuster
353 Pages
Plot Summary
15 year old Delilah loves to read but one day in her school library she comes across a children's fairytale Between the Lines and becomes obsessed. After rereading it over and over again, she discovers that one of the pictures have changed. And then the main character, Oliver starts talking to her. It turns out that he wants to get out of the book. Together Delilah and Oliver attempt to get him out of the book while falling in love with each other at the same time.
My Personal Favorites
I absolutely loved this book. It had a great storyline that I never read before and I loved the characters. I liked the whole idea of what happens once a book is closed. It was kind of like how kids thought that their toys would move while they were asleep or not there. And the pictures and color font were amazing. I thought that added a great touch to the story. If you're looking for a book that would have you laughing your heart out, this is definitely the book for you.
My Personal Dislikes
The only thing that I had problem with was the ending. It wasn't a major problem but I thought it was a little unrealistic. I looked pass this because the book for me was just for entertainment.
My Rating
4.8/5 stars
My Final Thoughts
Overall this book was a fun light read that I can see myself rereading in the future. Oh how I wish that Simon Lewis(aka Robert Sheehan version) would talk to me through the pages of The Mortal Instruments. I would do anything to get him out. If you plan on reading the companion novel Off the Page, I do recommend that you read this one first because I am currently reading it and Oliver just seems outright dumb without knowing his back story.
See you in the next post.
~Naya J.

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