Sunday, June 28, 2015

Off the Page by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer Review

General Info
Off the Page by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer
Published May 2015 by Delacorte Press
384 Pages
Hardcover - Goodreads
Plot Summary
In the companion to Between the Lines, sixteen year old Delilah is finally united with her dream guy Oliver who happens to be an actual prince from a children's fairytale book. In order for Oliver to come to the real world, someone had to take his place in the book world. That is where Edgar comes in. Now that Edgar is in the book, Delilah has to help Oliver adapt to the human world. But when Edgar wants to come back, what will happen to Oliver?
My Personal Favorites
I loved this book way more than the first one. I loved all of the POVs but my definite favorite was Oliver. To be honest, Oliver is a better student in school than I am. He gets a perfect test score, tons of friends, and is all around great considering that he is out of a fairytale. When Seraphima and Jules switched spots, I couldn't stop laughing. Seraphima was so funny in the whole mall scene how she ran out the dressing room and showed everyone how her bra looked. Seraphima was just hilarious period. I also liked how everyone dealt with Frump's death. Being characters in a book, Oliver and Seraphima never even knew that death meant no coming back. That part had me in tears because Frump was Oliver's best friend and then he was just gone in the blink of an eye, and it kind of symbolized Oliver growing up mentally. I liked that this book took an emotional turn because it made me feel more attached to the characters. Like when Edgar's mom Jessamyn was diagnosed with a fatal brain tumor, I cried like a baby. I was glad when they solved that by taking her to the book world because I couldn't see another person I cared about die.
My Personal Dislikes
Wow! I don't think that I have anything to say in this section.
5/5 stars
My Final Thoughts
This will definitely be in my top books of 2015.I really recommend that you read Between the Lines first because you probably won't experience all the feels. That is all I have to say. See you in the next post.
~Naya J.

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