Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Young Adult Stereotypes

So I admit that I LOVE LOVE the Young Adult category when it comes to books but over the past two years, I came to a realization that most books have similar elements. Like a lot of similar elements. It's almost like reading the same thing over and over again. I am not losing an interest in YA, I'm just making an observation. So to back this up, I'm going to tell you most of the stereotypes I've encountered in YA literature.
1. The Main Character Is Almost ALWAYS A Female.
-This annoys the crap out of me. I am a girl so sometimes I want to experience being in the mind of a  male. Come on authors give me some more male protagonists!
2. Girl Hates the Love Interest For the First Half Of the Book.
-  Okay I get that the author doesn't want to make the romance insta-love but does the boy and girl
   have to hate each other every single time. This happens in The Infernal Devices trilogy by  
   Cassandra Clare, The Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout, and many more. I love both of those
   series but it's kind of getting old. But I'll still read books like that because I really love the
3. In a Love Triangle, The Girl Never Picks the Friend.
- This is with almost all love triangle when the choices are the main character's friend and
     someone they just met, they always pick the new guy. This happened in Twilight and The Mortal
     Instruments, but I'm sure that it happened many more times in literature. JUST PICK THE
This was my YA Stereotypes. I hope you enjoyed it because I might do a part since there are so many more that I didn't put in this post. Anyways see you later, I'm assuming in the next post :)
                                                                                                                         ~Naya J. 


  1. Naya I am soooo impressed ....what an interesting point of view .... ll Question are all of the YA novels that you read of the same genre? Also do you find this too be true with award winning novels? I look forward to more blog from you......Aunt Stephanie ttyl

    1. Thank you for taking the time to view my blog. To answer your questions, I read all genres in YA but my favorites are contemporary and fantasy. And yes this does occur in award winning novels because most books can get a little cliché. Hope that I answered all your questions.
