Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Pretty Little Liars Last Minute Theories (Not Book Related)


Today, August 11th the Pretty Little Liars Season 6 summer finale will premiere and we'll finally come face to face with the one and only A! This isn't about books at all but I want to put my last minute theories out there just to see if I'm right. I have been a fan of this show for two years after binge watching it all last summer on Netflix and I love it so much. It is an addiction if I must admit it to myself. So today I would like to show you my top suspects for red coat, black widow, and Charles.
My Charles Suspects
1) Caleb Rivers - Marlene King says that the A reveal is heartbreaking and honestly Caleb being the best boyfriend ever betraying the girls and being A this whole time would break my heart. We have also seen him in a black hoodie before. Lastly, he has all of the A skills like hacking and sneaking in.
2) Ezra Fitz - I still just can't trust him after that whole thing with writing a book about the liars and Ali. It was weird and creepy, I mean this is a grown man stalking teenagers for a story. Also A stuff started when Ezra started teaching at Rosewood. This kind of ties into my overall arching theory.
3) Lucas Gottesman - He is very suspicious and creepy. Ever since we found out that he trashed Alison's memorial, I didn't trust him any more. Even if he is my least favorite suspect, he does happen to have a big motive. Alison has called him a hermaphrodite and basically made his high school life a living hell.
My Red Coat Suspects
1) Aria Montgomery -  She has been shady since day one and how convenient that the A messages started as soon as Aria came back Iceland. I think that she has some type of personality disorder and can't remember that she actually is on the A team. This would go with my theory on Ezra being Charles. They could be a team working together to bring the girls down kind of like the infamous couple Bonnie and Clyde.
2) Maya St. Germain - Even though she is supposed to dead, I think that she is actually alive and hiding because she was faking the relationship with Emily at first but then gradually caught feelings. Maya couldn't bear playing Emily like that so she decide to fake her death. Besides we never seen her face or her funeral, so therefore she still has a chance to be alive.
3) Jenna Marshall - If Red Coat is indeed the leader of the whole A team, Jenna seems like a great choice for this part. She has one of the biggest motives since the girls did blind her. Being blinded is enough to hold a grudge against the ones who caused it. I absolutely loved Jenna's character and I really want her to come back. Hopefully she does.
My Black Widow Suspects
1) Melissa Hastings - This is my only suspect for this category. Since Melissa did bury Bethany, it would make perfect sense for her to got her funeral. Maybe she felt guilt but didn't want anyone to know she went, so she disguised herself. A widow is someone who lost their husband and remember when Ian died. Ian was her husband, he's dead now. That is probably how she decided the costume.
I hope you enjoyed these theories. If you want me to post more about Pretty Little Liars, let me know because I love this show and I'll be glad to talk about it on this blog. See you in the next post.
~Naya J.


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