Monday, August 3, 2015

Papertowns Movie Review

General Info
Paper Towns
Released July 24th (USA)
Budget Estimated to be 12,000,000
Directed by Jake Schreier
Adaptation of Paper Towns by John Green
Written by 20th Century Fox
Adapted from the bestselling novel by author John Green, PAPER TOWNS is a coming-of-age story centering on Quentin and his enigmatic neighbor Margo, who loved mysteries so much she became one. After taking him on an all-night adventure through their hometown, Margo suddenly disappears - leaving behind cryptic clues for Quentin to decipher. The search leads Quentin and his quick-witted friends on an exhilarating adventure that is equal parts hilarious and moving. Ultimately, to track down Margo, Quentin must find a deeper understanding of true friendship - and true love.
My Personal Favorites
I thought that this movie was a decent adaptation of the book by John Green. Honestly, I didn't enjoy the book as much as the movie but the book wasn't bad. Now let's talk about the actual movie. I really liked it but I didn't love it as much as The Fault In Our Stars. My favorite part of the movie was definitely the road trip and the revenge plot in the beginning. I loved all the characters especially Ben and Radar. The movie is hilarious and I think everyone should see it.
My Personal Dislikes
Although I liked this movie, I did have minor problems with it. I think that the middle was kind of a little boring, but it wasn't super bad. I also didn't like that they didn't add the part about the possibility of  Margo committing suicide. That's pretty much it.
4/5 Stars
My Final Thoughts
I think that everyone should at least give this movie a chance because it is honestly a great movie. It does have a few imperfections but if you look past them this movie is a blast.
See you in the next post.
~Naya J.

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