Thursday, June 4, 2015

P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han Review

General Info
P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han
Published May 2015 by Simon & Schuster for Young Readers
Second Installment in the To All the Boys I've Loved Before series
337 Pages
Plot Summary
In the long awaited sequel for To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han, Lara Jean and Peter Kavinsky are going strong as a real couple after being fake for so long. But then the hot tub video from the ski trip is leaked. And then John Ambrose McClaren, Lara Jean's past crush comes into the picture. Who will Lara Jean choose: Peter or John? This book will have you flipping the pages so fast and leave you wanting another installment in the series.
My Personal Favorites
I literally loved this book so much. It was definitely a satisfying sequel for one of my favorite contemporary reads. So since I liked a ton of stuff I'm just going to list my favorite moments down below.
1) I loved the whole Assassin game and how Lara Jean took it so seriously.
2) The treehouse scene where Peter and Lara Jean talk about SEX. It had me rolling because it was so hilarious. My favorite scene in the whole entire book.
3) When Kitty got Peter to take her to school after Lara Jean and him broke up. I was just like "Wow. Your little sister stole your hot boyfriend.
4) I really liked the part when John and Lara Jean plays in the snow and the Frozen reference was just so perf.
5) The party at the old folks home
6) When John and Lara Jean shared their first kiss
8) I am Team Peter so when they ended up together at the end, I just screamed. Hashtag Team Peter for life!
My Personal Dislikes
To be honest, the only thing that I disliked was the ending. I really wanted to see Peter and Lara Jean after they got back together because it just ended so abruptly.
5/5 Stars
My Final Thoughts
I really enjoyed this book. It wasn't better than the first book but I still loved it. I really hope there is another book because I am in desperate need of one. Please Jenny Han, make it happen. I am begging you! I hope you guys liked this review and I might do one for the To All the Boys I've Loved Before.
See you guys in the next post.
~Naya J. 

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