Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo Review

General Info
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo
Published June 2013 by Henry Colt & Co.
435 Pages
Plot Summary
After escaping from the Darkling, Alina has to figure out how to make a normal life for her and Mal in an unfamiliar land while being haunted by the lives she took on the Fold. But it turns out that she can't continue to outrun her power and destiny for long because the Darkling has emerged from the Shadow Fold with a new power and he is looking for her. With the help of a notorious privateer, Alina returns to the country she abandoned, determined to fight the forces gathering against Ravka. But as her power grows, Alina Sinks deeper into the Darkling's forbidden game of magic. During this she slips farther and farther away from Mal. In the end she has a decision to make: she will have to choose between her country, her power, and the love she always thought would guide her, or risk losing everything to the oncoming storm.
My Personal Favorites
This book had a lot of things that I loved about it. The betrayal was real though like " I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU! WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU! HOW DARE YOU!" If you got that joke then you are AWESOME! In the first book I was shipping the Darkling and Alina but he is just crazy. So now I am team Mal. I really like the new shadow creatures the Darkling has but they are freaking scary as ever. I also liked that Stormhond was actually Prince Nikolai, he is the funniest character ever! I enjoyed Alina leading the second army but that battle at the end almost had me in tears. I couldn't believe that Marie died and the way that Sergei was just carrying her body. But my favorite part of the book was the plot twist with Genya. I couldn't believe that the Darkling basically had her face mangled with. That was such a surprise to me because she is supposed to be outright beautiful and the Darkling just took her beauty away from her. I admit that I did cry a little. I don't know why this series makes me cry in every single book.
My Personal Dislikes
I really liked this book but I didn't love it like the first one. The reason why is because it was kind of anticlimactic in a way because I expected so much more to happen.
4.5/5 stars
My Final Thoughts
I am excited to read the last book and I cannot wait to get around to it. This trilogy is so good that it might become one of my new favorites. See you in the next post.
~Naya J. 

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