Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Reading Slumps

     Have you been reading lately? Are you stuck on this one page and you just can't get past it? Are you picking up multiple books and none of them are grabbing your attention? You are probably in a reading slump. Cue the scary movie music. I think that I might be in a reading slump. I haven't read in a week or so which is pretty terrible for me. Right now I am currently reading Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor and I am not enjoying it. At the moment, I am on page 22 and I have been on that page for eternity. (Not literally, but it still feels like it.)


     I used to set a specific time for me to read each day but I have been a little busy playing the Sims 3. If you play this game then you know how addicting it can be at times. I am also wasting my time by watching way too many YouTube videos. Like seriously, YouTube is ruining my life. So as you can see the internet, electronics, and my pure laziness are delaying me from doing what I love to do which is reading. You might ask "How are you going to dig yourself out of your reading slump?". I actually don't know yet, but for now I am just going to at least try to push through my current read. If I don't succeed on that then I will probably pick up another book.

     Anyways, goodbye for now and see you in the next post.

QOTD: What do you do to dig yourself out of the EVIL reading slump?

                                                                                                                              ~Naya J.

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