Tuesday, May 26, 2015

All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven Review

General Info
All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
Published January 2015 by Knopf
388 Pages
Plot Summary
This book follows our two main characters Theodore Finch and Violet Markey. Theodore Finch is fascinated with death and contemplates ways that he could kill himself. But with each attempt, something happens that holds him back from doing it. Violet Markey is anxious for the future and thinks that if she leaves her small Indiana town, she can escape the grief of her sister's recent death. When they both meet on the ledge of the bell tower at school, it is pretty unclear on who saved the other. And when they are paired to do a school project to find the 'natural wonders' of their state, they both make important discoveries about themselves. But as Violet’s world grows, Finch’s begins to shrink.
My Personal Favorites
Finch is the best character I have read in a while. He is relatable and so real. He wasn't the perfect boy who everyone falls in love with, he was actually the outcast. And I loved how he was a funny, nice guy but in reality he was hurting inside. It showed me that you don't really know what people are dealing with behind the smile on their face. My favorite element of the book is the romance between Violet and Finch. It made it seem like everything was okay, when clearly one of duo was going far downhill. This was the first book I read that revolved around the main topic of suicide and it opened my eyes on how severe that subject could be.
My Personal Dislikes
Initially I was in love with this book but then something happened towards the end that was kind of predictable. If you read it, then you might know what I am talking about. I also thought that it could have been prevented but no one took the situation seriously. Finch's family didn't even help him with his problem and it frustrated me because they just acted like the it didn't exist. Other than that the book was great.
4/5 stars
Final Thoughts
Overall this book was pretty good and I enjoyed it a lot. I did have minor problems with it, but I still recommend everyone to read it so you can get your own perspective on the book. Just try it out because you might like it way better than me. I also forgot to say that I love you Finch!
*This is probably how my reviews will look from now on and I hope you guys like it. See you in the next post.
~Naya J.


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